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[SKOJ] The wish for hope and renewed collaboration between the Yugoslav peoples towards common prosperity and development

Youth Platform

At the Youth conference in Belgrade, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Nato Bombing Yugoslavia

The wish for hope and renewed collaboration between the Yugoslav peoples towards common prosperity and development

Comrades and friends, in the spirit of anti-imperialist struggle, the imperative of fostering hope and collaboration among the Yugoslav peoples and all the peoples of the world towards common prosperity and development is more important than ever for success of the working class struggle against the bourgeoisie and the big capital.

The history of Yugoslavia is intertwined with the struggle against imperialism. From the days of foreign domination to the more recent aggression, imperialism has sought to divide and conquer our peoples. In standard imperial fashion new borders and divisions are being created as we speak, with creation of so called „Western Balkans“ region, which shows us that imperial forces are fighting the spirit of Yugoslavia even today. Yet, the resistance against imperialism only grows stronger, inspiring us to unite against our common oppressors. The principles of Yugoslav peoples remain alive, and so does the desire for a better future, for a socialist future.

The destruction of Yugoslavia, ignited by external intervention, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by imperialist aggression. Ethnic tensions, exacerbated by imperial meddling, derailed our quest for unity and progress. Violence against our peoples culminated 25 years ago, during criminal bombing of Yugoslavia and continues even today through exploitation, cultural hegemony and ignition of ethnic tensions to keep us divided and weak. Only by rallying the Yugoslav peoples under the banner of anti-imperialism, we can confront external threats and regain and safeguard our sovereignty.

USA, NATO and it’s satellites are creating ethnic conflicts, training terrorists for the sole reason of keeping us away from uniting. That is as true today, as it was for Yugoslavia in it’s earlier years. The whole idea of Yugoslavia can teach us about many steps that we are supposed to take in order to achieve socialist future that we all fight for. Yugoslav idea started because Yugoslav peoples were divided and weakened under the foot of imperialism. We persisted, fought back and won because we realized that only united we can achieve sovereignty and prosperity.

It’s important to understand how tactical we must be in this situation. USA hegemony started with criminal bombing of Yugoslavia, so we have firsthand knowledge of how hard it is to fight the USA, to fight entire NATO alone. Luckily situation today is much different, as the hegemony of USA is being shaken. First it is shaken economically in a way of new existing alliance, BRICS, which threatens financial hegemony of USA, and out of this alliance for the USA-NATO imperialism China presents itself as the biggest fighter against market hegemony. China has been building and helping countries which have been oppressed by capitalist system. On the other hand, militarily, Russia is leading a though battle against USA, NATO and it’s fascist puppet state of Ukraine. This war is only expanding to the new fronts, like the one in Palestine, so in this conditions it is crystal clear that any progressive force must cooperate with Russia in order to achieve it’s goals.

Only through cooperation, solidarity and unity of workers all around the world we can fight back imperialism, we can resist never ending reproduction of capital as the only constant goal of capitalism, and we can break bloody chains that tie us and keep us divided and alienated. These practices are brought forward as a best path to take in the anti-imperialist struggles which are spreading around the globe today. They are not only the practices that will free us from our chains, but also help us build a new world, a new time of peace, prosperity and freedom. The way workers work to bring us food on the table, electricity in our home, clothes to keep us warm, this huge web of hard work that exists behind every single step we take is a basis for creating a world which allows every country, every ethnicity, every group and every person to walk steadily towards a shared vision, a shared future of peace, happiness and accomplishment of humanity itself. This is true both for the future of Yugoslavia, but also for the future of the entire world.

Long live international solidarity

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